System Info
How to display HP-UX system serial number
This is most common thing when calling HP support for opening new case, you would need to know HP-UX system serial number. Here is how you can display HP-UX 11i system serial number from command line if you don’t have it listed somewhere else specially you are working remotely and you don't have physical access to HP-UX servers:
1. Display HP-UX system serial number using cstm if you have cstm installed :
echo "sc product system;info;wait;il" | cstm | grep -i "system serial" System Serial Number...: USJ4358979
2.If there is no cstm istalled, try running print_manifest to display HPUX system serial number:
/opt/ignite/bin/print_manifest | grep -i "serial number"
Running print_manifest displays HP-UX system serial number along with other system properties
3.on HP-UX (integrity) severs you can run machinfo to display serial number,this command available only on Itanium based HP-UX
machinfo |grep serial
enable history command navigation
touch $HOME/.sh_history
and export these variables in /etc/profile:
export HISTFILE=$HOME/.sh_history
export HISTSIZE=20000
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi
export HISTSIZE=20000
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi
LVM Version 1.x
HP-UX LVMLVM Version 2.x
HP-UX LVM2MC ServiceGuard Cluster
MC ServiceGuard ClusterPrinter setup